For your convenience, our most common questions are answered right here.

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Q: Who Runs a Homeowners Association?

A: A homeowners association is led by a board of directors who have been elected by the homeowners. Most often, the board consists of fellow homeowners with an interest in keeping the neighborhood strong.


Q: Why are there CC&Rs?

A: CC&R stands for covenants, conditions and restrictions and are the governing legal documents that outline the guidelines for the operation of the community as a non-profit corporation. They are recorded by the county recorder’s office and are included in the title to your property. Often, a homeowner who fails to abide by the CC&Rs may be fined by the homeowner’s association.


Q: What are Bylaws?

A: Bylaws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit organization that is the homeowners association. These bylaws define the duties of the various officers of the board of directors, membership voting rights, required meetings, and other specific items that are necessary to run the homeowners association.


Q: What is an Assessment?

A: An assessment is the amount that is periodically due from each homeowner to cover the operating expenses of the common areas, hazard insurance, and to provide reserve funds for future improvements. All homeowners are expected to pay this assessment.


Q: What Do Fees Pay For?

A: Like any budget, a homeowners association budget is designed to reflect upcoming debts such as utilities, landscaping and administration. The reserve fund is money that has been set aside for future expenses, such as new lighting, fencing, and street resurfacing.


Q: What should I do if the growth of vegetation in Conservation/Mitigation areas  (trees, bushes, grasses, water plants, etc.) in the vicinity of my home has become a problem?

A: First of all, do not trespass upon, trim, remove or cut down any vegetation in West Hampton’s Conservation/Mitigation areas.  These areas are not private homeowners’ land, even if it is behind or on the side of your property.  These areas, such as wetlands, ground bordering all lakes/ponds, etc. are common areas in the West Hampton Community.  As such, the maintenance of these areas is the responsibility of the HOA.  They are also subject to monitoring and inspection by the county’s Environmental Protection Commission and the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWFD).  Any unauthorized cutting, etc. in these areas can lead to fines.  Homeowners should report any concerns or problems with these areas to Property Management for resolution.  A HOA member may request land adjacent to theirs to be maintained (at the HOA member’s expense) by submitting this form to the Property Manager to start the process.